曹 流


  • 入选美国斯坦福大学发布的第六版全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单之“年度科学影响力排行榜”
  • 担任《铸造》杂志青年编委
  • 担任Acta Materialia、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Virtual and Physical Prototyping、Journal of Manufacturing Processes、Applied Mathematical Modelling、Computational Materials Science、Applied Physics A、Aerospace、Materials、Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing等期刊审稿人

  • 最新消息:
  • 针对金属增材过程热-力耦合行为预测的小论文“基于连续逐层添加的金属增材制造热-力耦合行为数值模拟研究”已发表于铸造(中文核心)。(2024-08)
  • 针对激光选区熔化过程飞溅行为预测的小论文“Eulerian-Lagrangian Numerical Simulation of Powder Bed Denudation and Spatter Behavior During Powder Bed Fusion Process”已发表于Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A(JCR1区)。(2023-05)
  • 针对金属增材制造条件下二元合金三维微观组织预测的小论文“金属增材制造条件下二元合金三维微观组织的相场法-有限元法预测”已发表于铸造(中文核心)。(2023-04)

  • 《材料加工理论与数值计算方法》讲义 v1.0
    引用:曹流. 材料加工理论与数值计算方法[R]. 广州: 广州大学, 2022. https://pan.baidu.com/s/1onDnY6F70EBPlgeFCqtFXg?pwd=2022.


  • 2018.06-至今:于广州大学机械与电气工程学院担任讲师
  • 2015.09-2018.06:于华中科技大学材料学院攻读博士学位,专业为材料加工工程
  • 2013.09-2015.06:于华中科技大学材料学院攻读硕士学位,专业为材料工程
  • 2009.09-2013.06:于华中科技大学材料学院攻读学士学位,专业为材料成形及控制工程
  • 科研经历:
  • 2024.08:作为项目负责人,获得2025年度国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“多保真度物理信息神经网络驱动的SLM熔池多维特征实时预测”(2025.01-2027.12)立项资助。主要研究内容为:融合在线监测、数值模拟以及物理信息神经网络三大手段,构建描述金属增材熔池行为的多保真度物理信息神经网络模型,既快且准地实时预测熔池多维特征。
  • 2023.01:作为项目负责人,获得博世汽车部件(苏州)有限公司委托项目, 热灌封流动过程模拟方法开发(2023.01-2023.12)立项资助。
  • 2019.10:作为项目负责人,获得2019年度广东省自然科学基金面上项目“金属模具激光选区熔化成型过程中孔隙缺陷演化机理及数值模拟研究”(2019.10-2022.09)立项资助。主要研究内容为:揭示各物理因素和无量纲参数对金属模具SLM制件孔隙缺陷的作用机理,探明工艺参数对孔隙的影响规律。
  • 2021.04:作为项目负责人,获得2021年度广州市基础与应用基础研究项目“激光选区熔化镍合金介观熔池动力学与微观组织演化多尺度模拟研究”(2021.04-2023.03)立项资助。主要研究内容为:通过开展镍合金SLM多尺度模拟研究,有力提升广州重大项目中镍合金SLM零件质量。
  • 2020.07:作为项目参与人,参与科技部科技创新2030重大专项子课题“作业环境仿真器与数字孪生平台”(1460万元,2020.07-2023.06)。
  • 2020.11-2021.10:作为项目技术骨干,负责横向课题“基于宝能GX16项目车身部品高智能先进制造技术开发”。主要研究内容为:充分利用高校的高素质人才资源和发挥企业的先进生产线的平台优势,促进产学研结合,推进企业的车身零部件先进制造技术的开发和相关技术创新。
  • 2018.06-至今:作为项目技术骨干,负责研究院自筹课题“增材制造过程数值模拟”。主要研究内容为:针对增材制造过程,尤其是金属制件,研究相关数值模拟理论及算法,将模拟仿真与工艺实验相结合,阐明成形机理,并优化工艺,减少成形缺陷。
  • 2014.09-2018.06:作为项目技术骨干,负责课题组自筹课题“铸造充型过程数值模拟研究”。主要研究内容为:研究相关理论及算法,采用两相流模型计算铸造充型过程,并提出相应判据模型用于预测铸造充型过程缺陷(如浇不足、冷隔、氧化夹渣等)。
  • 2016.07-2017.09:作为项目技术骨干,负责与路达(厦门)有限公司合作的横向课题“CAE铸造有限元模拟研究中心”。主要研究内容为:进行理论培训、生产调研、软件培训、建立物性参数库、解决实际生产问题等工作,并取得了较好的应用效果(模拟手段指导实际生产)。
  • 2013.09-2014.08:作为项目技术骨干,负责与北京航空材料研究院合作的装备预研基金课题“超气冷单晶叶片LMC定向凝固过程模拟与缺陷控制”。主要研究内容为:进行超气冷单晶叶片HRS及LMC定向凝固工艺模拟,优化相关工艺,并提出换热模型用于处理型壳与液态金属冷却液的换热。
  • 另外,作为项目参与人,参与了多个科研项目:国家重点研发计划“高性能大型金属构件电子束熔丝增材制造装备与工艺”(2017.06-2018.03)、国家重点研发计划“高档数控机床用铸铁床身精度保持成套技术研究”(2012.01-2014.12)、横向课题“铸造覆膜砂充型过程研究和数字化”(2017.08-2018.03)、横向课题“大高径比铸锭凝固过程中径向自补缩机制的数值模拟研究”(2015.08-2017.08)等。

  • 期刊论文:
    曹流*, 朱民富, 李峻荣, 张沁丹
    引用:曹流, 朱民富, 李峻荣, 张沁丹. 基于连续逐层添加的金属增材制造热-力耦合行为数值模拟研究[J]. 铸造, 2024, 73(8): 1065-1072
    Eulerian-Lagrangian Numerical Simulation of Powder Bed Denudation and Spatter Behavior During Powder Bed Fusion Process
    Liu Cao*, Rui-fan Meng, Qin-dan Zhang, Zhen-zhen Gui
    期刊Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A(JCR1区)
    引用:Liu Cao, Rui-fan Meng, Qin-dan Zhang, Zhen-zhen Gui. Eulerian-Lagrangian Numerical Simulation of Powder Bed Denudation and Spatter Behavior During Powder Bed Fusion Process[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2023, 54: 2771-2790
    摘要:Powder bed fusion using a laser beam (PBF-LB) is rapidly developing toward high laser power, high scanning speed, and multiple lasers, however, spatter has become one of the major bottlenecks limiting PBF-LB to form large metal parts. In this paper, the Eulerian-Lagrangian numerical simulation study was carried out for the spatter formation and spatter-protective gas flow coupling behavior. Among them, the Eulerian model considered the effect of particles on the gas-phase flow, and the Lagrangian model took into account the fluid drag force, gravity, buoyancy, non-uniform pressure distribution, additional mass force, and particle-particle collisions. For the effect of metal vapor on spatter and powder bed denudation, it was found that the larger the metal vapor jet speed or jet area, the faster the spatter speed and the larger the width of the powder bed denudation zone; the larger the lateral dimension of the metal vapor action zone (the scanning direction is longitudinal), the larger the number of spatters. For the effect of protective gas flow velocity on spatter movement, it was found that the longitudinal movement distance of spatter was significantly larger for larger protective gas flow velocity, and almost all spatters fell on the powder bed or substrate for smaller protective gas flow velocity. This paper is expected to provide scientific guidance for regulating PBF-LB spatter.
    引用:曹流,孟瑞繁,张沁丹,张珞. 金属增材制造条件下二元合金三维微观组织的相场法-有限元法预测[J]. 铸造, 2023, 72(4): 365-374
    CFD-DPM Simulation Study of the Effect of Powder Layer Thickness on the SLM Spatter Behavior
    Liu Cao*, Qin-dan Zhang, Rui-fan Meng
    引用:Liu Cao, Qin-dan Zhang, Rui-fan Meng. CFD-DPM Simulation Study of the Effect of Powder Layer Thickness on the SLM Spatter Behavior[J]. Metals, 2022, 12: 1897
    摘要:Selective Laser Melting (SLM) has significant advantages in manufacturing complex structural components and refining the alloy microstructure, however, spatter, as a phenomenon that accompanies the entire SLM forming process, is prone to problems such as inclusions, porosity and low powder recovery quality. In this paper, a Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Particle Method (CFD-DPM) simulation flow for predicting the SLM spatter behavior is established based on the open-source code OpenFOAM. Among them, the single-phase flow Navier-Stokes equation is used in Eulerian framework to equivalently describe the effect of metal vapor and protective gas on the flow field of the forming cavity, and the DPM method is used in Lagrangian framework to describe the metal particle motion, and the factors affecting the particle motion include particle-particle collision, particle-wall collision, fluid drag force, gravity, buoyancy force, and additional mass force. In addition, the equivalent volume force and fluid drag force are used to characterize the fluid-particle coupling interaction. For the spatter behavior and powder bed denudation phenomenon, the calculation results show that the spatter height and the drop location show a clear correlation, and the powder bed denudation phenomenon is caused by the high-speed gas flow causing the surrounding gas to gather in the forming area, which in turn drives the motion of the powder bed particles. For the effect of powder layer thickness on spatter and powder bed denudation, the calculation results show that the effect of powder layer thickness on the number of spatters is large (when the thickness was increased from 50 μm to 100 μm, the number of spatters increased by 157%), but the effect on spatter height and drop location distribution is small. When the powder layer thickness is small, the width of the denudation zone is significantly larger, but when the powder layer reaches a certain thickness, the width of the denudation zone does not show significant changes. It should be noted that the presented model is NOT directly validated by experiments so far due to the difficulty of tracking the large-scale motion of SLM spatter in real time by current experimental means.
    Analyzing effects of temperature gradient and scan rate on metal additive manufacturing microstructure by using phase field-finite element method
    Liu Cao*, Luo Zhang, Rui-fan Meng, Qin-dan Zhang
    期刊Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering(JCR3区)
    引用:Liu Cao, Luo Zhang, Rui-fan Meng, Qin-dan Zhang. Analyzing effects of temperature gradient and scan rate on metal additive manufacturing microstructure by using phase field-finite element method[J]. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022, 30: 034003
    摘要:Predicting the evolutionary behavior of microstructures with the help of numerical simulation techniques has become an essential tool for studying the solidification process of metal additive manufacturing. As a mesoscopic model based on the diffusion interface theory, phase field method (PFM) can be used to predict the evolution of solidification microstructure. The open-source PFM framework PRISMS-PF can not only efficiently solve systems of equations with billions of degrees of freedom, but also provide a simple adaptive mesh control module. In this paper, based on the open-source PFM framework PRISMS-PF, a phase field-finite element method (PFM-FEM) simulation flow for the solidification process of A356 aluminum alloy additive manufacturing in the two-dimensional case was established. The effects of temperature gradient, scan rate and initial solid-phase morphology on solute concentration, dendrite spacing and dendrite morphology were analyzed and compared with experimental results for verification. Analyzing the results for different temperature gradients and scan rates cases, it was found that the increase of temperature gradient or scan rate made the primary dendrite arm space decrease; as the ratio of temperature gradient to scan rate decreased, the solidification morphology gradually changed from flat crystal to cellular crystal, columnar crystal, and even dendritic structure. Analyzing the results for different initial solid-phase morphology cases, it was found that the influence of initial solid-phase morphology on dendrite growth increased as the ratio of temperature gradient to scan rate decreased. The above influence rules were mainly related to the composition overcooling zone under different conditions. This paper is expected to provide a theoretical support for the effective regulation of solidification microstructure in metal additive manufacturing.
    Simulation and analysis of LPBF multi-layer single-track forming process under different particle size distributions
    Liu Cao*, Wei Guan
    期刊International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(JCR2区)
    引用:Liu Cao, Wei Guan. Simulation and analysis of LPBF multi-layer single-track forming process under different particle size distributions[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, 114: 2141-2157
    摘要:Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) has the advantages of rapid and customized production, and has gradually been used in aerospace, biomedicine and other fields. However, the current LPBF technology still faces many obstacles, such as the failure to fully explore the influence of the powder layer parameters (particle size distribution, thickness of spreading layer, etc.) on the LPBF multi-layer forming process. Based on the open-source discrete element method framework Yade and the open-source finite volume method framework OpenFOAM, the simulation flow for the LPBF multi-layer single-track process was established. Among them, the considered force influence factors included gasification recoil, surface tension, Marangoni effect, viscous force, mushy zone drag force and gravity, and the considered thermal influence factors included gasification, convection and radiation heat dissipation. In order to analyze the influence of particle size distribution and spreading layer thickness on the LPBF multi-layer process, the forming processes of the first eight layers of powder bed with three different particle size distributions and two different spreading layer thicknesses were calculated. Regarding the surface roughness of the formed layer, it was found that when the proportion of large-size particles increased, the surface roughness of the formed layer would increase. Regarding the actual thickness of the powder layer and the depth of the solidified track, it was found that they were mainly related to the thickness of the spreading layer, but were not affected by the particle size distribution. Regarding the porosity of the formed zone, it was found that when the spreading layer thickness was smaller, the higher the proportion of small-size particles, the lower the porosity of the formed zone; when the spreading layer thickness was larger, the smaller the proportion of large-size particles, the lower the porosity of the formed zone. This paper is expected to provide support for in-depth understanding of the effects of particle size distribution and spreading layer thickness on the LPBF multi-layer forming process.
    Workpiece-scale numerical simulations of SLM molten pool dynamic behavior of 316L stainless steel
    Liu Cao*
    期刊Computers and Mathematics with Applications(JCR1区)
    引用:Liu Cao. Workpiece-scale numerical simulations of SLM molten pool dynamic behavior of 316L stainless steel[J]. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2021, 96: 209-228
    摘要:316L stainless steel is currently one of the most critical stainless-steel materials due to its excellent corrosion resistance and comprehensive mechanical properties. Selective laser melting (SLM), as an additive manufacturing technology for directly forming complex metal parts, has been applied in the production of 316L stainless steel components. By introducing reasonable and comprehensive equivalent processing models (e.g., gasification pressure, gasification heat dissipation, and equivalent physical parameters), a predictive model of the dynamic behavior of the molten pool on the workpiece scale (two-phase flow model) was established for the SLM process of 316L stainless steel. The related equivalent processing models were customized by secondary development means based on the commercial software Fluent. By comparing and analyzing the different calculation schemes, it was found that surface tension stabilizes the liquid metal surface, while the Marangoni effect and the gasification recoil force cause the liquid metal surface to appear concave. The tangential movement of the liquid metal surface, caused by the Marangoni effect, causes the molten metal to accumulate around the central region, forming a liquid surface morphology resembling a crater. The influence of different processing parameters (scanning speed and laser power) on the SLM process of 316L stainless steel was analyzed. The simulated and experimentally obtained solidified track sizes were in good agreement.
    Numerical investigation on molten pool dynamics during multi-laser array powder bed fusion process
    Liu Cao*
    期刊Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A(JCR1区)
    引用:Liu Cao. Numerical investigation on molten pool dynamics during multi-laser array powder bed fusion process[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2021, 52: 211-227
    摘要:Multi-laser powder bed fusion (MLPBF) has become the most promising technology for rapid manufacturing of large metal parts. As a branch of MLPBF, multi-laser array powder bed fusion (MLA-PBF) has gradually attracted the attention of the industry, because of its advantages such as significantly speeding up production efficiency and low technical implementation difficulty. However, there is currently a lack of simulation studies based on the mesoscopic scale to describe the dynamic behavior of the MLA-PBF molten pool. The MLA-PBF spreading powder process was calculated herein based on the open source DEM framework Yade, the MLA-PBF molten pool dynamics was described based on the open source CFD framework OpenFOAM, and a multi-laser heat source model for real-time tracking of changes in the metal-phase and gas-phase interface was proposed. Aiming at the single-line mode of MLA-PBF, it was found that the dual-laser forming with low-front and high-rear could be used to preheat and pre-sinter the metal particles that were about to enter the molten pool, which was beneficial to reduce the pore defect in the solidified track, and a moderate laser beam space should be used. Aiming at the multi-line mode of MLA-PBF, it could form a molten pool with a significantly larger width and length than in the case of a single-laser beam, which was beneficial to eliminate pore defect in the formed zone, obtain a flat solidified track surface, and improve forming efficiency. When the laser power was low or the laser beam space was large, a large number of pores were prone to appear in the formed zone. As the laser power increased or the laser beam space decreased, when the laser energy was sufficient to melt the metal particles located in the lower part of the powder bed, a smooth surface of the solidified track and fewer pore defect would be obtained. This paper is expected to provide theoretical support for deepening the application of MLA-PBF in metal additive manufacturing.
    Mesoscopic-scale numerical investigation including the influence of scanning strategy on selective laser melting process
    Liu Cao*
    期刊Computational Materials Science(JCR2区)
    引用:Liu Cao. Mesoscopic-scale numerical investigation including the influence of scanning strategy on selective laser melting process[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2021, 189: 110263
    摘要:Selective laser melting (SLM) has become one of the most widely used laser additive manufacturing technologies today. However, the proper selection of scanning strategies is still a key concern for SLM production. In order to quantify the influences of different scanning strategies (One-direction, Two-directions, and Pre-sinter) on the SLM process, this paper calculated the spreading powder process based on the open-source discrete element method framework Yade, predicted the SLM mesoscopic molten pool dynamics behavior based on the open-source finite volume method framework OpenFOAM, and established the simulation flow of the SLM multi-layer multi-path forming process. The influences of different scanning strategies on grain orientation, pore defect, and surface roughness were analyzed and verified in comparison with experimental results. It is found that the grain orientation of the current formed layer under scanning strategies One-direction and Pre-sinter was almost the same as that of the previous formed layer, while the grain orientation of the current formed layer under scanning strategy Two-directions was significantly different from that of the previous formed layer. In addition, the porosity and surface roughness under scanning strategy Pre-sinter were lower than those under scanning strategies One-direction and Two-directions. This paper is expected to provide a basis for the selection of scanning strategies in practical SLM production.
    Mesoscopic-Scale Numerical Investigation Including the Influence of Process Parameters on LPBF Multi-Layer Multi-Path Formation
    Liu Cao*
    期刊Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences(JCR4区)
    引用:Liu Cao. Mesoscopic-Scale Numerical Investigation Including the Influence of Process Parameters on LPBF Multi-Layer Multi-Path Formation[J]. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2021, 126(1): 5-23
    摘要:As a typical laser additive manufacturing technology, laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) has achieved demonstration applications in aerospace, biomedical and other fields. However, how to select process parameters quickly and reasonably is still the main concern of LPBF production. In order to quantitatively analyze the influence of different process parameters (laser power, scanning speed, hatch space and layer thickness) on the LPBF process, the multi-layer and multi-path forming process of LPBF was predicted based on the open-source discrete element method framework Yade and the open-source finite volume method framework OpenFOAM. Based on the design of experiments method, a four-factor three-level orthogonal test scheme was designed, and the porosity and surface roughness data of each calculation scheme were extracted. By analyzing the orthogonal test data, it was found that as the laser power increased, the porosity decreased, and as the scanning speed, hatch space, and layer thickness increased, the porosity increased. In addition, the influence of laser power and scanning speed on surface roughness showed a trend of decreasing first and then increasing, while the influence of scanning distance and layer thickness on surface roughness showed a monotonous increasing trend. The order of the influence of each process parameter on porosity was: scanning speed > laying thickness > laser power > hatch space, and the order of the influence of each process parameter on surface roughness was: hatch space > layer thickness > laser power > scanning speed. So the porosity of the part is most sensitive to scanning speed, and the surface roughness is the most sensitive to hatch space. The above conclusions are expected to provide process control basis for actual LPBF production of the 316L stainless steel alloy.
    Mesoscopic-scale Numerical Simulation including the Influence of Process Parameters on SLM Single-layer Multi-pass Formation
    Liu Cao*
    期刊Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A(JCR1区)
    引用:Liu Cao. Mesoscopic-scale Numerical Simulation including the Influence of Process Parameters on SLM Single-layer Multi-pass Formation[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020, 51: 4130-4145
    摘要:Selective laser melting (SLM) is a metal additive manufacturing technology that directly forms three-dimensional complex components according to digital models via layer-by-layer addition. It has been widely used in medical personalization, aerospace, and other fields. In order to analyze the influence of different process parameters, such as line energy density and hatch space on the SLM single-layer multi-pass formation process, a random particle distribution of the powder bed was first obtained via the open-source discrete element method (DEM) code Yade. The prediction model of the molten pool dynamic behavior during the SLM formation process was then established based on the “metal-gas” two-phase flow model. The conservation equation considered thermal factors, such as Marangoni effect, the porosity in the mushy zone, and the gasification phenomenon. Laser energy was then applied by the body heat source model, which directly tracked the metal-phase surface affected by the laser in real time and applied energy to the metal-phase elements within a certain thickness. By analyzing the simulation results, it was found that in order to obtain a good formation zone in actual SLM production for 316L stainless steel, from the perspective of controlling line energy density, 200 J/m should be used to obtain a relatively flat solidified track and to establish a good connection with the substrate or the upper formation layer; from the perspective of controlling the hatch space, 45 μm should be used to ensure a good connection between adjacent solidified tracks, a relatively flat formation surface, and high production efficiency. These conclusions were consistent with the experimental results. This paper offers a scientific rationale for parameter selection during the SLM formation process of 316L stainless steel.
    Mesoscopic-scale simulation of pore evolution during laser powder bed fusion process
    Liu Cao*
    期刊Computational Materials Science(JCR2区)
    引用:Liu Cao. Mesoscopic-scale simulation of pore evolution during laser powder bed fusion process[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 179: 109686
    摘要:Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is an advanced manufacturing technology that uses data-driven, layer-by-layer accumulation of materials to form metal components and has been widely applied in aerospace and other fields. Effectively controlling pore defects is a key scientific problem and technical difficulty in LPBF industrial production. Based on the open-source discrete element method code Yade, the particle distribution of the powder bed was obtained. Based on the open-source computational fluid dynamics code OpenFOAM, the pore evolution during the LPBF formation process at the mesoscopic scale was predicted. The thermal–force factors affecting the molten pool included the surface tension, Marangoni effect, gasification recoil force, and mushy drag force. The laser energy model used a body heat source based on interface tracking. First, dimensionless analysis of the molten pool evolution in the case of LPBF single-track formation was carried out. The molten pool evolution was mainly influenced by the gasification recoil force, Marangoni effect and surface tension, and the main influencing factors on different zones of the molten pool were different. To examine the influences of the laser power, scanning speed, powder bed thickness, and hatch space on the pore defect in the LPBF formation process, simulations were carried out and compared with experimental results. When the volumetric energy density was too small, pore defects occurred due to insufficient fusion of metal particles, and when the volumetric energy density was too large to cause the “keyhole” effect, pore defects occurred because the entrained gas could not escape in time. This paper is expected to provide theoretical guidance for the scientific regulation of pore defects in LPBF production.
    Study on the numerical simulation of laying powder for selective laser melting process
    Liu Cao*
    期刊International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(JCR2区)
    引用:Liu Cao. Study on the numerical simulation of laying powder for selective laser melting process[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 105: 2253-2269
    摘要:Because the selective laser melting (SLM) formation process involves rapid melting and solidification of slices, the SLM process places high demands on the tightness, uniformity, and flatness of the powder layer. Based on the discrete element method (particle contact force model, particle collision judgment algorithm, and particle motion equation) and the SLM laying powder process, a numerical simulation of the SLM laying powder process was carried out. For the performance measurement experiment of the TC4 titanium alloy powder, the powder bulk density, tap density, and angle of repose were calculated and analyzed. It was found that the tap density increased by 7.5% compared to the bulk density, and the calculated average angle of repose (32.6°) was in good agreement with the experimental data (33.2°), thus verifying the accuracy of the calculation model used for the SLM laying powder. The influences of different scraping methods and scraping speeds on the quality of the laying powder were calculated and analyzed. It was found that the scraping method using a roller (not rotating) obtained the highest tightness and most uniform powder distribution, and, as the scraping speed increased, the laying tightness tended to decrease linearly. The results of the numerical simulation study of the SLM laying powder process can be used to guide the actual SLM laying powder process and, alternatively, provide basic data for the numerical simulation of SLM molten pool dynamics based on the particle scale.
    Numerical simulation of the impact of laying powder on selective laser melting single-pass formation
    Liu Cao*
    期刊International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer(JCR1区)
    引用:Liu Cao. Numerical simulation of the impact of laying powder on selective laser melting single-pass formation[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 141: 1036-1048
    摘要:Selective laser melting (SLM) is an additive manufacturing technology to directly form complex metal parts. It has been demonstrated in aerospace and other fields. In the SLM single-pass formation process, the SLM layer distribution was modeled here via the discrete element method model (particle contact force model and particle motion equation). A dynamic behavior model of molten pool based on the particle scale was also established. The governing equations considered the influence of thermodynamic factors such as Marangoni effect, gasification recoil, and gasification heat dissipation. The laser energy model used a Gaussian heat source based on interface tracking. To study the influence of laying powder on SLM single-pass formation, the corresponding simulations were performed from three aspects: particle size distribution, powder bed tightness, and lamination thickness. To obtain a good formation zone in the actual SLM process, metal powder with a smaller average particle size should be used on the basis of saving money, and the proportion of large-sized particles in the powder should be minimized. A higher powder bed tightness is needed on the basis of ensuring a good connection with the substrate or the previous printed layer. Finally, a larger lamination thickness should be used on the basis of ensuring that the powder bed is sufficiently melted in the formation zone. This paper is expected to provide some guidance for the actual SLM laying powder process.
    Study on the Numerical Simulation of the SLM Molten Pool Dynamic Behavior of a Nickel-Based Superalloy on the Workpiece Scale
    Liu Cao*, Xuefeng Yuan
    引用:Liu Cao, Xuefeng Yuan. Study on the Numerical Simulation of the SLM Molten Pool Dynamic Behavior of a Nickel-Based Superalloy on the Workpiece Scale[J]. Materials, 2019, 12: 2272
    摘要:Nickel-based superalloys are one of the most industrially important families of metallic alloys at present. Selective Laser Melting (SLM), as one of the additive manufacturing technologies for directly forming complex metal parts, has been applied in the production of Inconel 718 components. Based on the more reasonable and comprehensive equivalent processing models (vaporization heat loss, equivalent physical parameters) for the nickel-based superalloy SLM process, an SLM molten pool dynamic behavior prediction model on the workpiece scale was established. Related equivalent processing models were customized by secondary development with the software Fluent. In order to verify the feasibility of the SLM molten pool dynamics model, the SLM single-pass employed to form the Inconel 718 alloy process was calculated. The simulated and experimental solidified track dimensions were in good agreement. Then, the influences of different process parameters (laser power, scanning speed) on the SLM formation of the Inconel 718 alloy were calculated and analyzed. The simulation and experimental solidified track widths were well-matched, and the result showed that, as a rule, the solidified track width increased linearly with the laser power and decreased linearly with the scanning speed. This paper will help lay the foundation for a subsequent numerical simulation study of the thermal-melt-stress evolution process of an SLM workpiece.
    Numerical simulation of cold-lap defects during casting filling process
    Liu Cao, Dunming Liao*, Fei Sun, Tao Chen
    期刊International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(JCR2区)
    引用:Liu Cao, Dunming Liao, Fei Sun, Tao Chen. Numerical simulation of cold-lap defects during casting filling process[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 97: 2419-2430
    摘要:Cold lap is one of the common defects in casting productions, which could result in poor surface accuracy and mechanical properties of castings. The cold-lap formation process is difficult to observe directly using only experimental measures, since the casting filling process is in a state of high-temperature flow inside a mold. The keys to predicting defects accurately are searching the interface front of flow, judging the collision of fronts, and defining the formation model of cold laps. A formation model of cold lap, which is related to the solid fraction, velocity, and volume fraction of the metal phase, is developed in this paper, and a method for judging the interface front and its collision was adopted. On the basis of the open-source computational fluid dynamics software OpenFOAM, a solver for predicting cold lap defects during the casting filling process was developed. The filling process of an aluminum alloy benchmark test was simulated, and the simulation results were consistent with the experimental results, which indicates the accuracy of the adopted model. Two low-pressure die-casting copper alloy filling processes with different ingates were calculated, and the formation processes of cold lap were compared with each other. The simulation results showed that there was significantly lesser cold lap in the scheme with an ingate under the lower surface of casting, which was basically consistent with the experimental results; therefore, the practicability of the adopted model was confirmed.
    Quantitative prediction of oxide inclusion defects inside the casting and on the walls during cast-filling processes
    Liu Cao, Fei Sun*, Tao Chen, Yulong Tang, Dunming Liao
    期刊International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer(JCR1区)
    引用:Liu Cao, Fei Sun, Tao Chen, Yulong Tang, Dunming Liao. Quantitative prediction of oxide inclusion defects inside the casting and on the walls during cast-filling processes[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 119: 614-623
    摘要:Oxide inclusions are a common defect in casting production, but their formation and evolution processes are difficult to directly observe experimentally. To accurately predict these, one should calculate the formation rate of the oxide inclusion as well as its wall adhesion. Here, we propose a formation rate model that is relevant to the volume fraction of liquid metal, the temperature, and the current oxide inclusion density. A boundary condition was developed to handle the adhesion and accumulation on the wall; thus, a quantitative indicator is available to directly obtain the content of the oxide inclusion defects on different parts. We used the open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software OpenFOAM to predict oxide inclusion defects inside the casting and on the walls during cast-filling processes. A representative aluminum alloy-casting technology was simulated to analyze the effects of different runner systems on the oxide inclusion distributions inside casting and on the wall. The simulation results largely coincide with experimental data from the literature. A practical copper alloy-casting technology was then calculated, and the simulation results of the oxide inclusion defects are consistent with the actual casting defect distribution. This confirms the utility of the model.
    Prediction of gas entrapment defects during zinc alloy high-pressure die casting based on gas-liquid multiphase flow model
    Liu Cao, Dunming Liao*, Fei Sun, Tao Chen, Zihao Teng, Yulong Tang
    期刊International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(JCR2区)
    引用:Liu Cao, Dunming Liao, Fei Sun, Tao Chen, Zihao Teng, Yulong Tang. Prediction of gas entrapment defects during zinc alloy high-pressure die casting based on gas-liquid multiphase flow model[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 94(1): 807-815
    摘要:Zinc alloy is the preferred material for high-pressure die casting (HPDC) production because of its good casting and mechanical properties, and the most common problem in zinc alloy die casting is gas entrapment. A gas-liquid multiphase flow model was here used to predict the gas entrapment defects during the zinc alloy HPDC filling process, and the continuum surface force (CSF) model was used to treat the surface tension of gas-liquid multiphase. In addition, finite volume method (FVM) was used for discretization equations; the pressure implicit with splitting of operator (PISO) algorithm was used for coupling pressure and velocity; and the volume of fluid (VOF) algorithm was used for interface tracking. A water filling experiment was simulated in an S-shaped channel and the simulative results were closely consistent with the experimental results, which indicates the accuracy of the adopted model. Two HPDC zinc alloy filling processes with different ingates were calculated, and the simulative results showed that gas entrapment defects associated with a single ingate were visibly more pronounced than with double ingates, which was basically consistent with the experimental results; therefore, the practicability of the adopted model was confirmed.
    曹流, 孙飞*, 陈涛, 滕子浩, 唐玉龙, 廖敦明
    引用:曹流, 孙飞, 陈涛, 滕子浩, 唐玉龙, 廖敦明. 铸造充型过程中液固转变影响流动行为的数值计算[J]. 金属学报, 2017, 53(11): 1521-1531
    廖敦明*, 曹流, 孙飞, 陈涛
    引用:廖敦明, 曹流, 孙飞, 陈涛. 铸造宏观过程数值模拟技术的研究现状与展望[J]. 金属学报, 2017, 54(2): 161-173
    Heat transfer model of directional solidification by LMC process for superalloy casting based on finite element method
    Liu Cao, Dunming Liao, Yuzhang Lu*, Tao Chen
    期刊Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A(JCR1区)
    引用:Liu Cao, Dunming Liao, Yuzhang Lu, Tao Chen. Heat transfer model of directional solidification by LMC process for superalloy casting based on finite element method[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016, 47(9): 4640-4647
    摘要:With the rapid development of the aviation industry, the turbine blade, a critical component of the aeronautical engine, has come to be widely produced by liquid-metal cooling (LMC) process. A temperature- and time-dependent heat transfer coefficient was used to represent the heat convection between the shell and the cooling liquid, and an improved Monte Carlo ray tracing approach was adopted to handle the boundary of radiation heat transfer. Unstructured mesh was used to fit the irregular shell boundary, and the heat transfer model of directional solidification (DS) by LMC process based on finite element method (FEM) was established. The concept of local matrix was here proposed to guarantee computational efficiency. The pouring experiments of directional solidification by LMC process were carried out, then simulation and experimental results were here compared. The accuracy of the heat transfer model was validated by the cooling curves and grain morphology, and the maximum relative error between simulation and experimental cooling curve was 2%. The withdrawal rate showed an important influence on the shape of solidification interface, and stray grain is liable to be generated on the bottom of platform at an excessive withdrawal rate.
    Radiation heat transfer model for complex superalloy turbine blade in directional solidification process based on finite element method
    Dunming Liao, Liu Cao, Tao Chen*, Fei Sun, Yongzhen Jia, Zihao Teng, Yulong Tang
    期刊China Foundry(JCR4区)
    引用:Dunming Liao, Liu Cao, Tao Chen, Fei Sun, Yongzhen Jia, Zihao Teng, Yulong Tang. Radiation heat transfer model for complex superalloy turbine blade in directional solidification process based on finite element method[J]. China Foundry, 2016, 13(2): 123-132
    摘要:For the sake of more accurate shell boundary and calculation of radiation heat transfer in Directional Solidification (DS) process, a radiation heat transfer model based on Finite Element Method (FEM) is developed in this study. The key technologies, such as distinguishing boundaries automatically, local matrix and lumped heat capacity matrix, are also stated. So as to analyze the effect of withdrawing rate on DS process, the solidification processes of a complex superalloy turbine blade in High Rate Solidification (HRS) process with different withdrawing rates are simulated, meanwhile, the most suitable withdrawing rate is supposed to be 5.0 mm·min-1 by comparing the simulation results. Eventually, the correctness and reliability of the radiation heat transfer model are verified, because of the accordance of simulation results with practical process.
    曹流, 廖敦明*, 胡柏乐, 张影, 陈涛
    引用:曹流, 廖敦明, 胡柏乐, 张影, 陈涛. 铸造充型过程中浇不足缺陷的数值计算研究[J]. 铸造, 2018, 67(6): 487-491
    曹流, 廖敦明*, 周聪, 陈涛, 庞盛永, 周建新
    引用:曹流, 廖敦明, 周聪, 陈涛, 庞盛永, 周建新. 基于有限元法的多材质铸造温度场模拟软件开发[J]. 特种铸造及有色合金, 2015, 35(11): 1163-1166
    曹流, 廖敦明*, 曹腊梅, 谷怀鹏, 陈涛, 庞盛永
    引用:曹流, 廖敦明, 曹腊梅, 谷怀鹏, 陈涛, 庞盛永. 基于有限元法的熔模铸造过程温度场模拟软件自主开发[J]. 铸造, 2014, 63(12): 1235-1240

  • 曹流, 李峻荣, 朱民富, 林安琪. 三维多相流仿真数据快速后处理方法、装置、设备及介质[P]. 发明专利, 中国, 202410386303.5, 2024-07-16.
  • 廖敦明, 曹流, 孙飞, 吴棣, 胡柏乐. 一种适用于铸造充型过程冷隔缺陷的预测方法[P]. 发明专利, 中国, CN108256239B, 2020-07-10.
  • 袁学锋, 鲁志龙, 毛西月, 曹流. 一种应用于大规模细胞培养的多级连续式系统[P]. 实用新型专利, 中国, CN209816168U, 2019-12-20.
  • 袁学锋, 吴文波, 曹流, 毛西月. 一种静脉回输注射装置[P]. 发明专利, 中国, CN109876237A, 2019-06-14.

  • 毕业论文:
    引用:曹流. 铸造充型过程中成形类缺陷演化机理及数值模拟研究[D]. 武汉: 华中科技大学, 2018
    引用:曹流. 基于有限元法的定向凝固过程温度场数值模拟的研究[D]. 武汉: 华中科技大学, 2015

  • Ruifang Meng, Liu Cao, Qindan Zhang. Constitutive modeling for the flow stress behaviors of alloys based on variable order fractional derivatives[J], Materials Research Express, 2022, 9: 096508
  • 方毅, 车家宝, 廖敦明, 陈涛, 曹流, 孙飞. 铸钢件凝固过程宏观相组织的数值计算研究[J], 铸造技术, 2018, 39(03): 521-525
  • 张影, 廖敦明, 曹流, 孙飞, 陈涛. 基于计算颗粒流体力学的射砂过程数值模拟[J], 铸造, 2018, 39(12): 2754-2758
  • 张兆创, 孙飞, 廖敦明, 陈涛, 唐玉龙, 曹流. 铸造模拟数据中的缺陷体素单元标识技术[J], 特种铸造及有色合金, 2017, 37(2): 144-147
  • Tao Chen, Yulong Tang, Dunming Liao, Liu Cao, Fei Sun, Zihao Teng, Di Wu. Simulation of casting deformation based on mold surface element method[J]. China Foundry, January 2017, 14(1): 28-33
  • 胡柏乐, 曹流, 孙飞, 唐玉龙, 廖敦明. GKMS60铜合金低压铸造过程界面换热反算模型建立及应用[J]. 特种铸造及有色合金, 2017, 37(12): 1323-1326
  • 杨明, 陈涛, 廖敦明, 曹流, 唐玉龙. 基于尖锐边界等值面填充算法的型壳有限元网格自动划分[J]. 铸造, 2016, 65(1): 1071-1074
  • Fei Sun, Dunming Liao, Zhaochuang Zhang, Liu Cao, Jianxin Zhou. Simulation analysis of resin-based composites on temperature and degree of cure fields by thermoforming process considering the influence of temperature distribution inside the autoclave[J]. Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19(S5): 53-58

  • 学术会议:
  • 2024.04:赴黑龙江哈尔滨参加多尺度建模、算法及其应用研讨会-2024
  • 2023.08:赴福建厦门参加第19届中国CAE工程分析技术年会暨第5届中国数字仿真论坛,并做题为“金属增材制造过程数值模拟研究”的会场报告
  • 2023.07:赴广东深圳参加DISA产品硬件仿真课程
  • 2022.08:赴广州南沙参加第二十届中国空气动力学物理气体动力学学术交流会暨2022年多相流和湍流高精度并行计算夏令营,并做题为“金属增材制造过程数值模拟研究”的会场报告
  • 2020.12:赴重庆参加第十五届全国流变学学术会议
  • 2019.11:赴广州华南理工大学参加第一届增材制造与创新设计论坛
  • 2019.08:赴浙江杭州参加中国力学大会-2019,并做题为“铺粉工艺对SLM成形过程影响的数值模拟研究”的分会场报告
  • 2019.05:赴北京参加第七届智能制造国际会议
  • 2018.11:赴浙江杭州参加第十三届全国激光加工学术会议
  • 2018.10:赴湖南湘潭参加第十四届全国流变学学术会议
  • 2018.08:赴江苏南京参加第十二届复杂流体研讨会
  • 2018.07:赴上海参加2018ANSYS技术大会
  • 2017.11:赴江苏苏州参加2017中国铸造活动周,并做题为“铸造充型过程中浇不足缺陷的数值计算研究”的分会场报告
  • 2017.06:赴葡萄牙参加Mechanics and Materials in Design国际会议,并做题为“Defects Prediction during Casting Filling Process”的分会场英文报告
  • 2015.10:赴湖南长沙参加2015中国铸造活动周,并做题为“基于有限元法的复杂高温合金叶片定向凝固过程辐射换热模型”的分会场报告
  • 2015.09:赴湖北宜昌参加第六届全国材料与热加工物理模拟及数值模拟学术会议,并做题为“基于有限元法的定向凝固过程温度场模拟软件自主开发”的分会场报告
  • 2015.08:赴山西太原参加第十五届全国特种铸造及有色合金学术年会,并做题为“基于有限元法的定向凝固过程温度场模拟软件自主开发”的分会场报告
  • 2014.11:赴广东广州参加2014年中国压铸、挤压铸造、半固态加工学术年会,并做题为“基于有限元法的铸造过程温度场应力场模拟软件自主开发”的分会场报告
  • 2014.10:赴河南郑州参加2014中国铸造活动周,并做题为“基于有限元法的熔模铸造过程温度场模拟软件自主开发”的分会场报告

  • 指导学生(研究生):
  • 2024级:魏如威,物理信息神经网络在金属增材制造领域的应用
  • 2023级:李俊荣,金属增材制造过程数值模拟研究
  • 2022级:朱民富,高分子材料流动过程数值模拟研究

  • 教学:
  • 2024年~2025年第一学期:《流体力学》,学时:36
  • 2024年~2025年第一学期:《增材制造技术与应用》(智造系),学时:32
  • 2024年~2025年第一学期:《增材制造技术与应用》(机械系),学时:32
  • 2023年~2024年第二学期:《工程传热学》,学时:32
  • 2023年~2024年第二学期:《3D打印技术》,学时:32
  • 2023年~2024年第二学期:《生产实习
  • 2023年~2024年第一学期:《流体力学》,学时:36
  • 2023年~2024年第一学期:《C语言程序设计基础》,学时:40
  • 2023年~2024年第一学期:《增材制造技术与应用》,学时:32
  • 2023年~2024年第一学期:《3D打印技术》,学时:32
  • 2022年~2023年第二学期:《3D打印技术》,学时:32
  • 2022年~2023年第二学期:《工程传热学》,学时:32
  • 2022年~2023年第一学期:《3D打印技术》,学时:32
  • 2022年~2023年第一学期:《流体力学》,学时:36
  • 2022年~2023年第一学期:《C语言程序设计基础》,学时:40
  • 2021年~2022年第二学期:《3D打印技术》,学时:32
  • 2021年~2022年第二学期:《机器人智能化技术》,学时:40
  • 2021年~2022年第二学期:《工程传热学》,学时:32
  • 2021年~2022年第一学期:《流体力学》,学时:36
  • 2021年~2022年第一学期:《互换性与测量技术》,学时:40
  • 2021年~2022年第一学期:《C语言程序设计基础》,学时:40
  • 2020年~2021年第二学期:《工程材料与加工成型》,学时:32
  • 2020年~2021年第二学期:《工程传热学》,学时:32
  • 2020年~2021年第一学期:《机器人智能化技术》,学时:40

  • 开源代码及云计算平台:

    OpenFOAM is the leading free, open source software for CFD, owned by the OpenFOAM Foundation and distributed exclusively under the General Public Licence (GPL). OpenFOAM was created by Henry Weller in 1989 under the name "FOAM" and was released open source as "OpenFOAM" by Henry Weller, Chris Greenshields and Mattijs Janssens in December 2004.


    PRISMS-PF is a powerful, massively parallel finite element code for conducting phase field and other related simulations of microstructural evolution. The phase field method is commonly used for predicting the evolution if microstructures under a wide range of conditions and material systems. PRISMS-PF provides a simple interface for solving customizable systems of partial differential equations of the type commonly found in phase field models, and has 24 pre-built application modules, including for precipitate evolution, grain growth, dendritic solidification, and spinodal decomposition.


    Yade is an extensible open-source framework for discrete numerical models, focused on Discrete Element Method. The computation parts are written in c++ using flexible object model, allowing independent implementation of new alogrithms and interfaces. Python is used for rapid and concise scene construction, simulation control, postprocessing and debugging.


    Elmer is an open source multiphysical simulation software mainly developed by CSC - IT Center for Science (CSC). Elmer development was started as national collaboration with Finnish Universities, research institutes and industry. After it's open source publication, the use and development of Elmer has become largely international. Elmer includes physical models of fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, electromagnetics, heat transfer and acoustics, and beyond. These are described by partial differential equations which Elmer solves by the Finite Element Method (FEM). Elmer supports parallel computing. For many problems good scalability over thousands of cores is reached.


    OpenFVM is a general CFD solver released under the GPL license. It was developed to simulate the flow in complex 3D geometries. Therefore, the mesh can be unstructured and contain control volumes with arbitrary shape. The code uses the finite volume method to evaluate the partial differential equations. As well as solving the velocity and pressure fields, the code is capable of solving non-isothermal multiphase flow.


    Computational analysis tools have revolutionized the way we design aerospace systems, but most established codes are proprietary, unavailable, or prohibitively expensive for many users. The SU2 team is changing this, making computational analysis and design freely available as open-source software and involving everyone in its creation and development.


    Fluidity is an open source, general purpose, multiphase computational fluid dynamics code capable of numerically solving the Navier-Stokes equation and accompanying field equations on arbitrary unstructured finite element meshes in one, two and three dimensions. It is parallelised using MPI and is capable of scaling to many thousands of processors.


    A software tool for classical CFD, particle-based models and complex physical interaction, Palabos offers a powerful environment for your fluid flow simulations.


    MFiX is an open-source multiphase flow solver, providing a Two-Fluid Model (TFM), a Particle In Cell (PIC) model, a Discrete Element Model (DEM), and a Hybrid model. These models can be used to simulate a variety of multiphase flow devices including gasifiers, circulating fluid bed combusters, fluidized beds, fluid catalytic crackers, and chemical looping combustion systems.


    GPUSPH was the first implementation of Weakly-Compressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (WCSPH) to run entirely on GPU with CUDA. The initial version was developed by Alexis Hérault (INGV, CNAM), Giuseppe Bilotta (DMI, INGV) and Robert A. Dalrymple (JHU).


    DualSPHysics is based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model named SPHysics (www.sphysics.org). The code is developed to study free-surface flow phenomena where Eulerian methods can be difficult to apply, such as waves or impact of dam-breaks on off-shore structures. DualSPHysics is a set of C++, CUDA and Java codes designed to deal with real-life engineering problems.


    Solidity is an Open Source general purpose, two and three dimension finite element – discrete element solid mechanics code. Solidity solves highly non-linear problems for continuum and discontinuous domains. Features include fracture and fragmentation without the need to seed, a range of finite strain large deformation constitutive models including elasto-plasticity and thermal fields. Parallelisation and fast contact detection and interaction algorithms are included.


    TetGen is a program to generate tetrahedral meshes of any 3D polyhedral domains. TetGen generates exact constrained Delaunay tetrahedralizations, boundary conforming Delaunay meshes, and Voronoi partitions. The following pictures respectively illustrate a 3D polyhedral domain (left), a boundary conforming Delaunay tetrahedral mesh (middle), and its dual - a Voronoi partition (right).


    simFlow is a powerful general-purpose CFD software. It combines an intuitive graphical user interface with the advantages of the open-source OpenFOAM libraries.


    SimScale is a browser-based online-platform that provides powerful modeling and simulation capabilities. With in-browser 3D visualization, scalable on-demand computing capacity and a pay-per-use pricing model, the SimScale platform enables a new way of using simulation technology: efficient, flexible and powerful.


    Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code. Weka contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. It is also well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes.


    The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a flexible framework for writing robot software. It is a collection of tools, libraries, and conventions that aim to simplify the task of creating complex and robust robot behavior across a wide variety of robotic platforms.


    TensorFlow makes it easy for beginners and experts to create machine learning models for desktop, mobile, web, and cloud. See the sections below to get started.




    在2009年至2018年期间,我于华中科技大学攻读学士、硕士以及博士学位(2009-2013 学士2013-2015 硕士2015-2018 博士)。